2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey
October 3, 2022
We want to hear from you! Halton Hills Hydro is currently conducting a Customer Satisfaction survey. The Ontario Energy Board requires all local distribution companies to survey their customers every two years to evaluate customer service. The survey is being conducted through the month of October.
As in prior years, we are partnering with an independent survey company, UtilityPULSE to survey our customers. All responses are kept confidential. Our team will only see the aggregated responses from all those who answer the survey.
This year, we will be conducting the survey both through telephone surveys and online. A random selection of our customers will be telephoned or will receive an e-mail from us with a link to complete the survey online.
UtilityPulse is not selling anything and will not ask about your account number or balance. The brief survey This brief survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. We are looking for our customers to provide feedback and please be assured that your individual survey responses will remain strictly anonymous.
This survey is an important tool to help us understand our customer’s needs and perceptions and find ways to continue to improve our services.
If you receive a call from UtilityPULSE, or an e-mail from Halton Hills Hydro, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Your opinion matters to us.
If you have any questions about the survey or about your account, please call our office at 519-853-3701.